10 Days Old Kitten Holds Onto Hands That Helped Her And Turns Into A Fluffy Purr Machine

Meet Clove, a beautiful gray kitten who arrived at Baby Kitten Rescue in Los Angeles, California, when she was just 10 days old. Clove was in desperate need of help, but fortunately, she was found just in time.

Caroline Grace, the founder of Baby Kitten Rescue, said:

“She was found on a Thursday night all alone. The finders waited for the cat mama, but sadly, she never returned.”

Source: Baby Kitten Rescue
Clove was in critical condition; she was covered in fleas, had a large scab under her right armpit, and suffered a severe infection. Determined to save her, Caroline took Clove in and began a critical care protocol to get her back to health. She said:

“Clove was severely dehydrated and crying nonstop in pain from her stomach problems.”

Source: Baby Kitten Rescue
With antibiotics, fluid therapy, and other supplements, Clove started feeling much better after just a few hours.

As soon as she regained energy, Clove hung onto her human’s hand with her front paws and started purring. Despite being tiny and young, Clove showed to be a cuddly purr machine with an incredible will to live.

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