20-Year-Old Cat surrendered to Shelter gets adopted by 101-Year-Old lady!

Absolutely beautiful you both are, what a beautiful person you are, hope you have lots of happiness together… Much love! 

So grateful to this kind woman for adopting sweet Gus!! May you both have a wonderful life!! 

Once at the shelter, Gus was given a health screening that showed he was “Exceptional Healthy”— for a 20 year old cat! — But they knew that having to spend his golden years in a shelter environment was going to take a toll on the [wellbeing] of a cat his age.

What a wonderful family she has, so many families would help with this!

Shortly after Gus’s arrival, the shelter director received an unexpected call from a family looking for a pet who could be a companion for their aging mother. More specifically, they asked if there was a senior cat they could adopt.

The family explained that their 101-year-old mother, Penny, had recently lo.st her cat, and though they’d given her a stuffed cat to cuddle with instead, she simply wasn’t pleased with something that didn’t purr.

So much mutual love in the photo of the elderly lady and her senior cat. 

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