Cat Befriends A Chipmunk And Spends All Day Cuddling With It

As we all know, friendship doesn’t come with a rulebook. While we’ve seen cats befriend various animals like capybaras or rabbits, encountering a chipmunk is quite unique.

Despite chipmunks being rodents, you’d expect our feline pals to fear or chase them. But not this cat!

This cat must’ve been in a friendly mood because it decided to make friends with this adorable chipmunk.

One day, this little chipmunk wandered into the yard of the cat’s home. Despite the cat being a potential predator, the chipmunk was clearly frightened.

The cat noticed the scared chipmunk and lay down, almost as if it wanted to assure the chipmunk it was safe.

Even though the chipmunk was in the cat’s territory, this cat chose friendship over territory that day. With the cat lying down, it seemed like an invitation for the chipmunk to approach.

The chipmunk cautiously got closer and even hopped onto the cat, exploring its fluffy coat.

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