A Kitty With A Twisted Neck Found The Mistress Of His Dreams

An injured red infant was found on the street in Massachusetts and taken to a veterinary clinic. The kitten had a cut on its back and did not straighten its neck after being mauled by another animal.

Despite surviving all of these ordeals, the cat maintained his bravery and craved companionship. To recuperate, he required extra attention. The creator of the Odd Cat Sanctuary, Tara Kay, offered to take him up. “We have a lot of expertise with instances involving head trauma.” “At four weeks old, he weighed just 225 grams,” Tara adds.

Considering all that had transpired, Murphy, the kitten, seemed to be in good spirits. He was sociable and in search of love, and anytime he was picked up, he began to purr loudly.

“He has a constantly tilted head, but his eyes are clear and his vision seems to be fine.”

Tara began to feed him through a syringe on a schedule, for which she even carried him to work at night. The kitten received as much care and attention as needed, and even more.

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