Determined to provide sanctuary, a family constructs a special abode for a beloved stray cat.

Gerrie and Loki have a large catio in which they like playing and relaxing while watching the world go by outside. A new cat came up to the catio one day to say hi. The cats’ parents assumed he was a neighbor’s cat and didn’t think much of it until he reappeared and a neighbor noted that he was a stray who had lived in the neighborhood for years.

They gave him the name Ziggy and began courting him as soon as they learned of it.

Ziggy began to visit twice a day for food, but was first terrified of being touched. His new pals wanted to make him feel comfortable whenever he came around, so they decided to construct him his own tiny house. They reasoned that if he remained aloof as the winter months came, he would have a warm place to stay, so they began feeding him in there to acclimate him.

Ziggy seemed to enjoy the house and was gradually warming up to the couple, but it was evident that he still had a long way to go.

Renee, the cats’ mother (who requested that her last name not be used) told The Dodo, “After a few weeks of feeding, I could finally touch him as he was eating.” “However, as soon as he finished his meal, he refused to be touched.”

The couple was still debating what to do about Ziggy — whether to keep feeding him outside until he was more comfortable or attempt to bring him inside — when they discovered him curled up in his small house, wounded and in need of assistance. They raced him to the vet, where he had the operation he required, and then drove him home.

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