Every Morning Grateful Rescue Kitty Brings Her Mamma’s Slippers To Bed

Lulu is a sweet tabby fluffball who will always remember and appreciate all her mommy has done for her. Lulu began her existence as a defenseless stray, wandering the freezing streets in search of a warm haven to call home. Lulu was picked up from a rescue shelter by her mother two years ago, and her life has never been the same since.

Lulu spent months following her new mother around the home, seeking a way to convey her heartfelt appreciation. It took her a few months to find it, but she did.

The astute feline discovered that her human mother had an odd habit of wearing slippers when she gets out of bed in the mornings, so she offered to assist, and so began their endearing daily routine. Every morning, the kitten gathers her mamma’s slippers from wherever she put them the night before and brings them to her bed. Because she can only carry one drool-covered slipper at a time, the kitty must make two journeys to assist her mother in getting her day started.

It’s impossible to read Lulu’s mind, but there’s only one way to interpret her daily gesture – a sincere and honest act of gratitude for all that her mother had done for her.

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