Nobody Wanted Kitten, But She Found a Woman She Loves and Won’t Let Go Of

Carla Reilly Moore, creator of Happy Tails Farm Sanctuary in Kingston, Ontario, was on her way to rescue two 3-week-old chicks advertised online for free earlier this week — but she ended up saving three lives that day.

“Things don’t often go as planned in animal rescue,” Moore explained to The Dodo.

Moore traveled into Kingston and took the two young chickens from their foster home. She stopped into the nearby feedlot, which she frequents, with the two chicks in her car to purchase food for all of her rescued animals.

““They have a specific cage in this feed shop that they use to keep the chicks and ducklings that they frequently offer for sale,” Moore stated. “Today was unique.”

A small calico kitten was whimpering inside the cage. Moore stated, “When she spotted me, she walked straight up to the front of the cage and established eye contact with me.”

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