Sassy Shelter Cat Gets The Most Hilarious Notice Put On His Cage

When it comes to getting his point across, one shelter cat called Max knows just what to do.

“He’ll reach his arm right out through the cage and smack if he needs to,” Tracy Marcotullio, shelter manager at Oromocto and Area SPCA, told The Dodo.

Max has only been at the shelter for a few weeks, but he’s already made a name for himself amongst staff members. As a senior cat looking for a forever home, Max soaks up the attention he gets from his caregivers, but he has limits — and he’s not afraid to let anyone know when they’ve been crossed.

“He’s sort of a cranky old man,” Marcotullio said. “If you don’t read his cues properly, then you’re getting smacked.”

In response to Max’s smacks, the shelter decided to make a sign for his cage to keep track of his no-smacking streaks.

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